We've made it incredibly easy to determine if this trip is right for you. Check out our page here to understand our rating system and see if it's a good fit for you.
Sorry we DO NOT allow dogs in our programs for a few reasons. Firstly there are many people who are afraid of dogs and we may not know who they are. Dogs are tripping hazards and our insurance company frowns on that! Dogs can change the dynamic of a group very quickly and are hard to control, especially with a group of dogs.
No! We lend all the experience, you just get to come and enjoy the outdoors, make friends and get exercise
Good hiking shoes or boots that you don’t mind getting dirty. A small pack that will hold a rain jacket and extra layers plus a water bottle. 16-19L is big enough. Hiking socks that are wool or polyester based. Check the webshop for our new socks!! A hat, sunscreen, sunglasses and warm jacket.
Yes, we do not discriminate on race, gender, political views or disabilities. We have had a few clients join our groups that have physical limitations. While this makes things a bit more challenging, we have found that with the right information we can accommodate most people. If you have a disability and would like to join our groups please reach out to me personally and we can have a discussion about how to accommodate you.
This can be an extremely hard question to answer. Our scaling of the level of difficulty for our hikes is based on a base level of fitness. If your fitness is below average you may find the hikes harder than what they are described as.
Our events and tours are not catered to children but we do allow them on customized trips.
No at this time, you can fly into Fort St. John or Grande Prairie.
You can rent a car at the airport in Grande Prairie or Fort Saint John.
It is a 2-hour drive from either airport to Tumbler
We operate under the ACMG - Association of Canadian Mountain Guides, the Outdoor Council of Canada, the Interpretive Guiding Association, and Paddle Canada
Yes, however, we have rental backpacking kits.
Yes, we require a 25% non-refundable deposit for all trips and we can customize a payment plan to suit client needs.
It depends, if you are at all worried, get the travel insurance which will cover for forest fires, trip interruption, medical reasons for not attending, etc. etc. We require a 25% non-refundable deposit to hold your space. Full payment is due 30 days prior to trip date. All trips are priced with early bird pricing. You will get a discount for purchasing your trip within a certain time period. You can cancel up to 60 days prior to your trip. You wil not receive your deposit back but you will receive the remainder back. 59 days or less, no refund. Purchase cancellation insurance!
Yes see here: https://lifestylefinancial.ca/get-a-quote/untamed-tours/
We have a beautiful vacation home - The Hideaway. It can be booked directly with us, on Airbnb or VRBO.
Trend Mountain Hotel https://www.trendmountainhotel.com/
Stellar Jay’s Airbnb https://abnb.me/c9ZUwhPCSGb
Wolverine Chalet Airbnb - https://abnb.me/JRmGTcTCSGb